Rally Day
Staff and ministry teams at St. Luke’s are excited to invite you to the Ministry Fair on Rally Day, August 25. The Ministry Fair will be in the narthex, parlors, and hallway after both the 9:00 and 11:00 am services. Our ministries will be sharing information about their work here at St. Luke’s and how you can get involved!
Breakfast tacos will be served, and we would appreciate donations for baked goods, loaf cakes, or cookies, etc. Please let Sara Spreen know if you can contribute snacks by emailing saras@slecsa.org.
Ministry leaders save this date! You will receive an email from Sara in the coming days asking for updates for our ministry booklet which we will need to have before Rally Day.
Sunday School Open House at 10:00 am
Join us for our Open House on Rally Day to learn about all of the Sunday school classes for Toddlers through 5th grade. Start at our Children and Families Ministry Table to pick up a guide to all classes. Touring is a great way for families to connect with each other and our loving Sunday School Teachers who are keeping each other and the families they serve in prayer.