St. Luke's Permanent Endowment Trust

I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust.”

Psalm 91:2 

A Legacy Gift

A legacy gift is a donation to the permanent endowment trust at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, established in 1999. Your gift can be made for a specific purpose or as part of the general endowment trust. Typical legacy gifts include a bequest in your will or your life insurance policy naming the St. Luke’s Episcopal Church Endowment Trust as the owner/beneficiary.

A bequest can be a percentage of your estate or a specific amount of cash or other assets such as real estate, stocks, bonds or other securities, jewelry, art, antiques, or collectibles.

Why a gift to St Luke's

As good stewards of the treasure we have in God’s world, responsible Christians should ensure the intentional distribution of their estate. Many Christians add a personal statement of Christian belief with a bequest to the Church. There is joy and comfort in knowing that we have provided for our church and its future 

The Permanent Endowment Trust

The St. Luke’s permanent endowment trust was created to receive and manage gifts to St. Luke’s in perpetuity. The trust is designed to provide income and capital growth for use by the Church for its ministries and programs. The permanent endowment trust is currently managed by five Trustees: the Rector, the Vestry Treasurer, and three active confirmed members of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church. The trustees receive gifts, are responsible for investment of funds for the future benefit of St. Luke’s, and carry out the directions of the donors.

St. Luke’s Episcopal Church is not engaged in rendering legal or tax advisory services. For advice and assistance. Parishioners should consult their attorney or tax advisor. This page presents information of a general nature. 

For more information, you may contact St. Luke’s Parish Administrator at (210) 828-6425

Remember the Church in Your Estate Plan

A gift from your estate symbolizes your gratitude for the gifts God has given you. It continues a long tradition of generosity and trust that the first St. Luke’s families began for our benefit. A gift to St. Luke’s endowment trust is a meaningful way to provide a lasting memorial and to continue giving after your life is over.

The following is suggested wording you may consider including in your will.

I, ____________ do make and publish this my last will and testament.

I believe in the Lord, Jesus Christ. I am secure in God’s love for me and am confident of everlasting life procured for me through the life, passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. I leave to those who survive me the comfort of knowing that I have died in this faith and am now with the Lord in eternal glory.

And as a final act of Faith in Thanksgiving for all of the blessings of my life, I direct that a gift from my estate be given to St. Luke’s Episcopal Church permanent endowment trust. 

Give Now

If you would like to Give Now to this fund click on the link below and choose Permanent Endowment from the Drop down menu.