Children & Families

St. Luke’s Episcopal Church strives to provide an atmosphere where children and families can feel seen, safe, known, valued, loved, and nurtured in their growing relationship with Jesus. 

A community who grows...

St. Luke’s children, youth, and family ministries show Christ’s love through the following values:

Inclusivity – Striving to love others as Christ loves us; all are welcome.

Intentionality – Building the kingdom of God by purposely engaging with the church and surrounding areas through consistent programming and events.

Service – Reaching outside ourselves by engaging the community, meeting people’s needs, and spreading the gospel with our hands and feet. 


Children & Family Ministries Team Description

The overall goal of the Children & Family Ministries Team is to help children and families deepen their relationship with God and each other, learn about the love and grace of Jesus Christ, and know they are valued members of our faith community. Some of our shared responsibilities include praying regularly for each other on this team and for our ministry teams, plans, and events. 

We work together to assess our children’s ministry needs, plans, and progress – using our stated values as a foundation. In order to do this work well, we have been gathering point people for our various ministry areas. Each committee member is a Director or takes the role of chair, leader, or liaison for one of the following ministry teams – inviting and empowering lay leadership. 

Ministry Areas and Teams Include (in no particular order): 

  • Nursery 
  • Mustard Seed
  • Sunday School 
  • Milestone Celebrations: Baptisms, Backpack Blessing, Teacher Appreciation, Bible Blessings
  • Event Teams: Advent, Pageant, VBS
  • Family Fun Night Series – A great way for families to connect, be inspired, and support each other on our faith journeys.


Children in Worship

At. St. Luke’s we wholeheartedly encourage children to be in worship with their families. We believe children learn to worship within the community of faith; which includes all of us. We recognize that children might get the wiggles and feel the need to move about during worship; please know that is ok. To help you during these times, we have provided a “Kid’s Corner” station in the Narthex. There you will find Children’s Worship Folders, crayons, books and helpful tips.

Look for our Children & Family Worship Resources Station in the Narthex as you enter. You’ll find children’s bulletin designed to correlate with the lessons being read during services each Sunday and a bin of books to choose from with toddlers through elementary ages in mind. Please enjoy these resources to use during our worship services!

Family Friendly Worship 

We are leaning into our 9:00 am service being more family friendly contemporary service. Unlike our other services, this is a more casual service that includes having the altar on floor level making it more accessible to all. Children are invited to play on the rug and in pews with a variety of toys and materials. Sermons and liturgy may be worded to include children. Families are invited to serve in a variety of ways throughout the service. 


Infant – Toddlers  in the Shepherd’s Room (103) 

Preschool (ages 3-5) in the Angel Room (102) 

Nursery Care is available from 8:30 – 12:15 on Sunday mornings for infants through 4-year-olds. We currently have two nursery rooms. Note that both Toddlers and Preschoolers have Sunday school during the 10am hour. 

Following the developmental needs of each age group, our loving nursery staff directed by Paula Guajardo, prepares rooms that offer engaging play. Throughout the morning, staff members read terrific bible storybooks and good literature, lead singing, and have centers open that invite open-ended play including art, drama, sensory, library, blocks, sensory, playdoh, and more. 

Pre-K through 5th grade formation

Why Sunday School? 

This is different than the Sunday school you may have experienced growing up! Setting aside this time each Sunday to focus on God – to ask questions, play, wonder, and experience bible stories in an engaging way is a great way for all ages to feel loved and supported in their faith journeys.

Ministry Purpose: To lead or assist our children and youth in their faith journey by creating safe spaces where they can be nurtured in their wonderings and expressions of faith. Our goal throughout these years is to support them in identifying as a much loved child of God and provide an atmosphere where children and families can feel seen, safe, known, valued, loved, and nurtured in their growing relationship with Jesus. 

Our Volunteer Sunday School Teaching Team members have committed to truly be ministry teams – to keep each other and the families they serve in prayer and to build relationships as a group of families! Their practice of prayer and connection will support all involved in a community of care – the teachers, children and parents. By doing this, every family of St. Luke’s, whether they participate in Sunday school or not will be covered in prayer. Bring your children to class, join families as we support each other in our faith journeys, and prayerfully consider bringing your own time and talents to this loving ministry. 

All supplies are provided. Snacks and lemonade are provided for K-5th grade classes.

Registration is only required for the Communion Class – Register here!

Remember when Jesus compared faith to a mustard seed? And how he knelt down to wash dirty feet? What about the time he stuck his fingers in the ears of a deaf man?

Jesus used real-world illustrations, eye-to-eye conversations, and everyday objects to explain eternal truths in fresh and surprising ways. This Fall we are using Group’s Hands On Curriculum for both our toddler and preschool rooms – teaching as Jesus taught using creative objects illustrating eternal truths.

Toddlers are welcome all morning while parents attend services or classes.  During our 10am formation hour the nursery staff gather and lead the children in an interactive circle time for a bible story, time of wondering and discussion followed by an invitation to related activities and play.

Remember when Jesus compared faith to a mustard seed? And how he knelt down to wash dirty feet? What about the time he stuck his fingers in the ears of a deaf man?

Jesus used real-world illustrations, eye-to-eye conversations, and everyday objects to explain eternal truths in fresh and surprising ways. This Fall we are using Group’s Hands On Curriculum for both our toddler and preschool rooms – teaching as Jesus taught using creative objects illustrating eternal truths.

Preschoolers are welcome all morning while parents attend services or classes.  During our 10am formation hour the nursery staff gather and lead the children in an interactive circle time for a bible story, time of wondering and discussion followed by an invitation to related activities and play.

Godly Play is a Montessori style of telling Bible stories, parables, and liturgical action about religious traditions using simple, natural materials. It invites the listener to connect faith stories with personal experience through wondering questions and open-ended response. 

Play or work during the response time is open-ended and creative. Children are invited to retell any of the bible stories or use art supplies and building materials to express their connections. The schedule mirrors our Eucharistic format of hearing the Word, responding, and feasting (on a simple snack). Kindergarteners are still welcome to be in the nursery before and after this class. 

Note that this class will be just Kindergarten for the first eight weeks in ½ of room 201, then after the 1st grade completes their communion class, we will rearrange the room back to one large room for K – 1st combined.  Our hope is to continue to build class community fostering long standing friendships.

Learn more about Godly Play:

Godly Play Description

 Taking Time To Wonder

An eight week series for 1st grade and up (Room – ½ of 201) Sept. 8 – Oct. 27.  Register Here!

It is our tradition at St. Luke’s to offer a special Sunday School series in Communion Instruction each Fall. This class is especially geared to first graders, but older elementary children who have not yet participated are welcome as well. In the Episcopal Church all baptized persons, regardless of age, may receive communion. Once a child is baptized, the decision as to when they will begin to participate in the Eucharist rests entirely in your hands as parents. This class series is therefore in no way a “prerequisite” to your child receiving communion. To learn more about baptism at St. Luke’s, visit our baptism page.

Through hands on experiences in the classroom and sanctuary, children learn what we do in worship and why we do it. Oct. 27th culminates in a special blessing and recognition during worship. More details will be shared upon registration. Parents, this is a great time for you to take the Inquirers class which parallels what the children will be learning! 

Upon completing this series, we will rearrange the room division back to one large room for K and 1st combined Godly Play class – focusing on core connecting stories throughout the bible following the pattern of our liturgical calendar. Our hope is to continue to build class community fostering long standing friendships.

Children in these grades are able to dig deeper into the bible stories told. Some of the stories throughout our liturgical year will be repeated from previous grades while others will focus on certain characters in the bible. Some core stories will be repeated from previous years, but repeating bible stories is something we do throughout our lives. We come to these stories again and again noticing unique points about it as we age. 

Play or work during the response time is open-ended and creative. Children are invited to retell any of the bible stories or use art supplies and building materials to express their connections.

Learn more about Godly Play:

Godly Play Description

 Taking Time To Wonder

Journey with us through the whole Bible in two-years in an exciting interactive class. Students will journey in a just two-years through every book from Genesis to Revelation. As we journey through the Old Testament this year, students learn how to navigate the bible, who wrote each book, why, and much more! . 

On this “journey” together they enjoy Bible Jeopardy from time to time and end the year in a culminating event that includes a Bible Jeopardy game of students vs. parents in May. Each child is provided their own journey box and bible for this adventure. 

Reasons this class is beneficial:

  • Encourages deeper relationship with Jesus – a time set aside one hour each Sunday.
  • Fosters relationships with peers – guided in healthy conversation 
  • Fosters healty relationships with adults – caring, volunteer teachers who are part of our Parish family of St. Luke’s
  • Provides skills and tools in reading the bible. Children learn to independently look up scriptures and better understand the context of scripture. 
  • Provides space for your child to explore and voice their thoughts and questions.We are all always learning! 

Safeguarding God’s Children

All of the volunteers that work with children are required by our diocese to go through an application process that includes a background check and completing the Safeguarding God’s Children’s course. All parishioners are welcome to go through the Safeguarding Course since we know we are stronger as a community when we are all informed and have common language and tools. The more people that take this course, the better! If you are interested in volunteering or simply taking the course, click on our Sunday School Volunteer Description and Expectations  2024 to learn more.

Accommodations for Children

Worship Services – Visit our Children & Family Ministries table in the narthex to find crayons, wiki sticks, and weekly children’s bulletins that correlate with scripture reading of the day. Books are available for use during the service. We have a small bin that contains accommodations for those who need a weighted lap pad or noise reduction headphones. 

A rug along with a few toys can be found in the front left of the sanctuary during the 9:00 am service. Otherwise, we have a Kids Corner in our parlors for use throughout the morning.

Sunday School Classes

  • Elevator is available for K-5th grade formation classes
  • Snacks are included each class with a gluten free option.*
  • Each room is equipped with various types of adaptive scissors and pencil grips
  • Bulletin boards on 2nd floor have signs with description and lesson schedule posted. 
  • Picture books with modern day children depicted from a wide variety of cultures. We are all made in God’s image! 
  • For younger children in our nursery, we have centers with open-ended materials including sensory play like playdoh and kinetic sand. 
  • For friends with sensory needs in our older classrooms K and up, we have …
    • Weighted lap pads
    • Various manipulatives and fidgets
    • Oversized pillows
    • Sensory play: playdoh, clay, kinetic sand
    • Noise reduction headphones

*If your child has allergies that need to be discussed beforehand or you want to discuss accommodations needed, please reach out to

Volunteer Opportunities

Everything we do, we do together. Partner with us in our growing ministries.

Sunday School Teaching Assistant

Join our Sunday School Ministries team as teaching assistants for the K-5th grade classes. Contact Kris Spilker to receive a description of the role along with expectations and links to apply.

Family Fun Night Team

Our new focus is for families with children up through 5th grade, occasionally collaborating with the Youth Group. Chairs work to plan and promote events and recruit volunteers.

Advent Wreath Making event team

The Co-Chair role helps prepare the Advent devotion for families and any program and promotional decisions for the event.

Christmas Pageant Director and Co-Director

The Director oversees elementary ages in rehearsal and performance. The Co-Director coaches the “animals” for the song portion in rehearsal and performance.

Family Service Hospitality

Work with ushers to help welcome and connect new families with others, know where to find the welcome area, kid’s corner, bride’s/mother’s room during the 9:00 am service

Kids’ Corner Keepers

Help move toys and supplies into the 9:00 am service then back out to the north Parlor. Help maintain and rotate toys and supplies each month with Paula / Nursery.

Children’s Chapel Team

Is there interest in getting a team together to lead chapel during our 11:00 am service? Are there parents that typically attend the 11:00 am service that are interested in helping coordinate and lead starting this Fall?

Celebrating Milestones

We celebrate many milestones through life, and St. Luke's is happy to celebrate them with you. These are some of the milestones we celebrate in the lives of our young people throughout the year. If you would like to keep up to date on these and other events, subscribe to our weekly email newsletter on our homepage.


Baptism is the initiation into the Christian faith. Through water and the Holy Spirit we are baptized into Christ’s death and resurrection. In the Episcopal Church we baptize people in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Baptism is full admission to Holy Communion, regardless of age.

If you would like to inquire about baptism for yourself or your child at St. Luke’s, contact our Ministry Associate Sara Spreen at

Parent / Baby Blessing

During the Peace the priest will say a special prayer of blessing for new infants in the congregation on the first Sunday they attend.

Two-year Old Bibles

In February, two-year-olds and their families are invited forward during the 9 am and 11 am services for a special prayer and for the presentation of a Bible.

5th Grade Bible Presentation / Step Up Sunday

Graduating 5th graders and their families are invited forward during the 9 am and 11 am services for a special prayer and for the presentation of a Bible. Afterward, as a rite of passage, the graduates are invited to our youth room to add their handprints to our wall.

Communion Class

Offered every Fall. Children are led in discussion and demonstration of what we do in worship and why. As a culminating event, families are invited to sit up front and come forward during communion as each student receives a special blessing and recognition during their “first communion” of our 11 am worship service. 

Parent Support

Our commitment to supporting families extends to the spiritual and social lives of parents as well. More opportunities for family fellowship will be added throughout the year. Subscribe to our weekly email newsletter to learn about them.

Children & Family Ministries Newsletter

Sign up for our Children and Family Ministries weekly e-news to learn more about our upcoming classes, plans, events and more.

DWTX Formation Resources for Children & Youth

Visit the resource guide created by our diocese’s Christian Formation Committee to find Bible and book recommendations, studies and links to sites that empower you and your children in your faith journey as a family and more.

Contact us

Have questions not covered above? Email the Director of Children & Family Ministries, Kris Spilker, below.