Youth Service Weekend

To meet our call by Jesus to serve those around us, the youth groups of St. Luke’s, St. Mark’s, and St. Thomas’s Episcopal Churches will be having a joint weekend of fellowship and volunteering the evening of July 21st and morning of July 22nd.

Join us on the evening of July 21st as we host our two fellow youth groups at St. Luke’s for a night of food and fun. The youth will share a meal together before a night of games and water balloons. This event is not a lock in. Time TBD, sign up for the e-new for future details.

The following morning on July 22nd, the joint youth groups will leave together from St. Luke’s at 8:00am (transportation will be provided) for a morning of volunteering with the San Antonio Food Bank at the historic Mission San Juan Capistrano and their living history farm. Mission San Juan is one of the four missions that make up the National Historic Park and is a UNESCO world heritage site. Beginning at 8:30am the youth will assist in various tasks that help support the farm, with all produce grown going to the San Antonio Food Bank. This volunteer opportunity will end at 11:00am and the youth will then have a chance to tour the historic site and scenic trails before having lunch. Pickup will be back at St. Luke’s from 1:30-1:45pm. As we will be working outside sunscreen and sun protection is highly recommended.

Please us the link below to sign your youth up for the volunteering with the Mission. Space is limited and sign up must be completed 72 hours before time of the event. Youth who have not signed up by then will not be able to participate in the volunteer opportunity.

We look forward to this upcoming opportunity and chance for fellowship with our fellow Churches. If you have any questions please reach out to Bryan at any time.


Jul 21 - 22 2023


6:00 pm - 1:30 pm

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